What Services We Offer
We offer a wide range of services at our practice to help ensure that you receive quality eye care and assistance.
For more information, check out the services sections listed here.

General Eye Exam
A complete eye examination involves a series of tests designed to evaluate your vision and check for eye diseases.

Diagnosis of Eye Diseases
Many eye diseases have no early symptoms. The single best way to protect your vision is through regular professional eye examinations.

Driver's License Certificate
The law stipulates that everyone renewing their driver’s licence must have their vision screened. We can do this for you.

Advanced Contact Lens Fitting
Certain eye conditions may make contact lens fittings more challenging and require the use of specialized contact lenses

Children’s Vision
It is important to have a child’s eyes examined regularly. Many eye problems in children do not have symptoms or signs.

Industrial Visual Screening
Vision screening is an entry level investigative procedure where the goal of the activity is to identify individuals in need of referral…